Sunday, September 29, 2013

Christmas Presents

I've been working on Christmas presents since probably February or March, I started with nine presents on my to do list. I'm happy to say I've whittled that list down to a measly little one! 
A hobo type bag
A scarf
A hat
Afghan #1
Afghan #2

Only five of the eight completed projects are here, I also finished two crocheted hats, and a pair of mittens :) I love to give gifts! So I can't wait until Christmas, or around Christmas, to give people their presents :D

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Much Needed Crocheting

I honestly haven't had a lot of time to crochet lately. Which was kind of annoying, but what can you do.  I've been making plastic canvas name signs for my 4-H club which has been taking a lot of time. So today I sat down and crocheted. 
I made a scarf and hat set for a little girl. I used super bulky yarn and four strands of worsted weight yard held together for the fringe on the scarf and the Pom Pom on the hat. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Afghans Galore!!!

I have another confession. I love to make afghans. Like seriously LOVE them!! I always feel a little lost without an afghan on my hook or needles. That being said, I am making two afghans for Christmas presents. 
This is the first one. It's not put together yet, but the squares are all made. This is for my friend who is a total band geek! Not to mention LOVES pink :D

This is for another friend, she lives across the country. I have five more rows to go then it is done! 

After I finish these two afghans, I would like to finish at least one of the afghans I've started for myself, but got pushed to the side for other projects. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Finished Objects

I decided that I needed a few instant gratification projects this week. Not to mention I'm feeling a little lost since I finished my graduation shawl. 
I finished this hat for a friend of mine who requested a slouchy beanie, I'd never made one so I thought it would be a good learning opportunity. So I looked on the Internet for some slouchy ideas and came up with this. I'm quite pleased with it, and now I'm debating making one for myself :)

I made this for a guy at school who really wanted me to make him a hat. I think I did this more to get him to quite bugging me more than anything else lol. 

I've done a few rows here and there on some of my UFO's simply because as I said before, I'm feeling rather lost without my big graduation shawl looming over me lol. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Whittling Down the Projects

I finally got at least a bit of a handle on my current WIP's this week. I finished my graduation shawl, praise The Lord! I NEVER thought that I would finish it in time, but I did! :D I also finished both teachers scarves, now I just need to buy tissue paper and I can them to the teachers. For the next little bit I am giving myself the rule that I can only cast on a project IF it is for a specific person, AND I have a small window to get it to them, or if it is a birthday or Christmas present. The next two (maybe three, bug maybe there) things I will be casting on is my sisters birthday present, which I should have done in a day or two. Then a black slouchy beanie for a really good friend. The third and really big maybe will be a hat for a guy at school...he's been bugging me for a while...I might only make it to shut him up LOL.  Other than that I will try to focus on Christmas presents and UFO's.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Project Parade

I just did a count and realized that I have 5 WIP's (work in progress), a rainbow type afghan, a music afghan, both of which are Christmas presents. My graduation shawl that needs to be done for Thursday, and 2 teachers gifts, scarves, in Red Heart Sashay. 

Then we move on to the UFO's or Unfinished Objects. I have 8! EIGHT!!! A cable afghan in lime green super bulky yarn. A multi coloured, knit, log afghan. Then I signed up for a Crochet-A-Long, I started a wave afghan using white as my base colour. When I ran into problems with the pattern I began a second smaller one that I decide would be perfect for a little girl. I also have a drop stitch scarf that I started for a Christmas Craft Sale that never got completed because I decided that I could make hats and other things quicker. I started a tote bag as a experiment to see if I could line a bag, figuring it would be better to mess up a bag that didn't matter versus a bag that was for a good friend. Last Christmas when I was making an afghan for my sister I found a colour combination that I LOVED! So what did I do? I started an afghan with that colour for myself. And lastly I started a shawl for my best friend for her own graduation but decided to wait until I knew for sure she was graduating. 

I'm going to try to finish some of my WIP' and UFO's before I start any more projects. However that could be hard, as I have tons of "I want to soooooo bad!" projects.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Taste of my stash

I'm a total yarn-a-holic! I knit, crochet, and loom knit. I'm trying to control my yarn buying, I did really well for a 6 month no yarn buying challenge. I didn't buy any yarn for those 6 months, however now that those 6 months are over I'm buying yarn like crazy!! I think I've replaced just about everything in used up over those 6 months in less than 1 month. I'm trying to control myself and only buy yarn that I need for projects. This blog will hopefully help me do that, and stay honest ;). So theses are just a few shots of my stash. The first photo is of some yarn for afghans. The yellow for a blanket of my own, the white yarn is for a friends blanket for Christmas, and the yarn under the yellow and white yarn is for an Avengers afghan that I want to make for myself. The second picture is just random yarn that at this point I'm not sure what to make with. And the third and las photo is of my cupboard that holds the majority of my stash.